Monday, March 09, 2009

General Zod has arrived. Riding a donkeyfish.

"Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me?"
-General Zod-

And that's kinda what Mike was like today.
Between raging thunderstomrs, we took the one hour of no-rain and headed to one of our favorite lakes as near record flood levels once again set in across northern Illinois.
He takes his FIRST CAST OF 2009...

And.....( drum roll please...)
BAM! that's pretty good. Actually it's a better first cast than any single person reading this.
Then he makes a second cast.
A third.
And then the forth! Oh god no...please not that forth cast!!!

I hope you've been reading the blog for a while, because then you'll know what we were doing.
Rattle something.
40 degree lake.
43 degree incoming water source.

Listen, anytime you want to stop thinking we're just a couple of clowns and finally come to grips with the fact that every single spring WE WILL SMOKE YOU...that'd be ok. Til then, don't hate the player....
hate the game.

( That last paragraph was for a couple of our overly jealous peers :)


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