Thursday, February 11, 2010

Godspeed, Captain Phil Harris.

Phile Harris

Captain Phil Harris of the Cornelia Marie passed away this week. We at would like to offer thanks to a man who helped show a part of our world to the rest of the world.

Thank you to Captain Phil for showing the world why we as fishermen do not only want to to what we do but HAVE to do what we do.
Thanks for helping to show our wives and children why we feel the need to travel to the most inhospitable places on the planet to chase a dream.
Thanks for showing what it's like to live a life that is misunderstood by most. For showing what it's like to hit the "mother load" in fishing. For showing how devastating it is to miss it. For showing what it's like to go on no sleep and keep going. For showing what it's like to be cold. For showing what it's like to be warm with laughter, For showing that life shouldn't be measured by the distance you travel but by how high the waves are that you crash thru to get there.
He was a great captain. We offers our prayers to his family.

Godspeed to you, Captain. We hope to meet you in that big port in the sky.

Videos of Phil Harris


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