And as he sailed thru the air on his last ride thru the skies, a gust of wind caught him.
My heart stopped. My stomach sank. I could see his eyes opened wide as he yelled but to me on his last flight. "JAAAMMMMMIIIEEEeeee...." One single thought went thru my head as I saw him heading for the rocks. " No!..No!......"
I pulled on his life line with all the crack of a bull whip.
It was too late.
Wilson died last night.
I ran to the place where he lay broken across the rocks. I froze. And then panic set in. Like a child lost in a massive department store. I fell absolutely silent. Everything fell absolutely silent as I searched and searched while overturning rocks and frantically kicked stalks over to find the other half of him.
We never found that other half.
Rich was kind with words as I stumbled into disbelief over what had just happened.
" He died how he lived." He said.
A single breeze had taken away all that he was.
He was Paul Bunyan's ox.
He was Marciano's left hook.
He was Germany's Panzer Division.
He was Dangerfield's microphone.
He was Hendrix's Stratocaster.
He was Muddy Waters' mojo.
He was Bogart's fedora.
He was Babe Ruth's bat.
He was Tiger Woods' 3 iron.
He was Baryshnikov's shoes.
He was Keith Moon's drum set.
He was Monet's canvas.
He was Wyatt Earp's Colt.
He had the the respect off all who knew him by the very mention of his name.
And he was mine.
Handed down from my grandfather who knew him before me.
Only to die on rocks. Not even to drown as we both would see fit of each other.
And today I will grieve for a period of 24 hours.
And when those hours are done I shall unleash a reign of terror in his name for 30 days and 30 nights that could only be equalled by Genghis Kahn himself.
And they will know that I have been there by the trail of the wounded. And with each victim I shall remember a time when I took blood and striped it on two sides of his face to remind him that he was indeed the finest warrior I had ever known.
For now....rest, victims. Because when the bells ring seven on this very night there will not be one amongst you that shall be safe.
Wilson, I'm sorry. I'm very sorry.
Goodbye my friend.

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