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This is gonna be a long one folks! We've been VERY VERY busy!
First, we'd like to start out by telling you about our latest and greatest product line of " BIG PRINTS" ! These are a little different from the Trophy Prints that you already know us for in the outdoor sporting world. BIG PRINTS are geared for the car and bike enthusiast.
Here's a sample of our latest brochure:

In other sporting news:
Fishing has been pretty good lately even with the drought we are experiencing here in the midwest which has brought with it 20+ days of 90 degrees or hotter. The fish seem to have adjusted nicely.
In the rivers we're catching numbers of smallmouth bass on small natural colored crankbaits as well as jig and plastic offerings. Early mornings and sundown, topwater lures like white buzzbaits and black/silver Chug Bugs and Pop-Rs have been working. The fish are using all areas due to slower currents but deeper water holes with shade are still the best.
Lakes and ponds are hit or miss but when they're on,THEY'RE ON! I personally caught my 3rd 21" smallmouth of the year last sunday in the 92 degree heat of a bright cloudless day. She hit a Salmo crankbait in 5' of clear water. Go figure...
Largemouth bass are easier to catch right now in many of the local ponds. Just concentrate on the area within 15' of shore, especially early and late in the day. Stick with natural colored baits...we even use natural colors in stained or murky water with better success than the guys who throw firetiger patterns. (when's the last time you saw a firetiger colored minnow in a lake?)
Mike recently purchased a new boat. We now fish out of a spaceous deep-V Lund Predator called "The Local Moron". I've been doing so well around home lately as well as being busy with family and business that the "Il Bastardo" is still on the trailer. That's where it pays for to have two bass boats at the ready.
We'll have more updates in the next day or two including the winners of the FREE LIFESIZE TROPHY PRINT GIVEAWAY! Wait til you guys see these monsters we did! Stay tuned!
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