Friday show and tell!!
Ok..we got some pics in straight from the water courtesy of two of our field reporters, Jade Miller and Pat Halko.
Jade's report has already been posted this morning as it happened. Congrats to Jade on the personal best 19.5" smallmouth bass!
Pat reports that he's bangin' some big fish on Rattle Traps over newly emerging weeds. One of the muskies is from 5-5-07, the other from 5-10-07 (an estimated 42"+ fish). The 20"+ bass and the carp were also from 5-10-07. Nice to see that he's taken a page out of my Rattle Trap in spring book. Nice catches Pat!
In other news:
I've had a couple trips out lately. The lakes I'm fishing have alot of rocks as the main bottom content especially along the shorelines. Gentle sloping shorelines seem to be better for bass right now as they key in on minnows and crayfish in the shallows. There's 2 lures I'm using right now...everything else stays in the bag right now. I found two that are gold this week and I'm sticking with them. The first is the Subwart. It's a small bait that makes alot of commotion as it runs. Bang it into some rocks in 1' of water and any bass in the are will stop at almost nothing to hit it this week. I had a 90 minute session on wednesday afternoon where just over 20 bass fell to the same trick. Largest of that day was just shy of 20" and I had a few forrays of 2 or 3 fish on back-to-back casts.
Pictured here is the typical bass of the week that is crushing this small bait I'm throwing.

And they say big lures catch big fish??? That's true. But not always. You have to be diverse and don't get locked into one type of thinking. When I start catching fish on smaller baits I switch to 2 or 3 larger baits just see if they might work better on the same spots. Lately those larger baits have blanked. I tie on the smaller stuff again, cast back to the same spot..and whammo! The same fish that just saw three larger baits goes for the easy meal.
Now here's Jamie's Friday Commentary:
We leave you this friday with good news. The bass are almost completely done spawning in most areas. How do we know this? Ahhh. Secret weapon #1. Ya see, we are in possesion of a lure that tells all. You may know him. He's famous...or rather..'infamous' around these parts. He's single handedly responsible for more days of humiliation and shame to my fishing partners than any other lure I have ever owned. If he were to be snagged on any lake I'd swim to get him back. He is the Master Of Disaster..The King of Sting..The Count of Monte Fisto!
And there's not a spawning bass on the planet that is going after him. It takes one super charged, super aggrivated, super hungry fish to go after him. Case in point: Look at one of his first catches since awakening 2 days ago. THAT is one red-eyed-pi$$ed-off smallmouth bass.

Yes people. He's back! And man is he cranky after being kept in a box for 8 months.
Welcome back Wilson!!
(to those who know Mike and I: If you would like the first two installments on Wilson from this year, send me an email and I'll send them to you directly. They can NOT be aired here to the general public. The language is extreme to say the least.'s Wilson. You know how rude he can be!)
And finally, this:
I promised you guys earlier today that I was going to put up one of the top muskie pictures we have ever done here at Customfish. Mind you, we've seen and done some of the biggest,baddest and best from Chad Cain to Gregg Thomas to Lee Tauchen to Tony Grant to Spence Petros to Mike Norris and on and on. We've seen a ton of 50's. Even a couple 55's from Chad.
And to all the professional fishermen who Customfish calls dear friends, we say this: Y'all just got beat. Every.Single.One.Of.You. Beat. And you've been outdone by the smile of 7 year old William Buhler holding his first muskie of 45". He managed to do what alot of grown men have never accomplished.
Thanks to Chris Juhas for allowing us to do this particular job. It made our week just to see it!

We know that having this fish on the wall will make for a lifetime of great story telling! Want your muskie on the wall? CLICK HERE!!!!
Have a good weekend everybody! Get out and fish!
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