Hi Jamie,
It's clear that BP just doesn't get it.
Even after mounting public pressure, including over 55,000 petition signatures urging them to stop their toxic dumping plans from Environment Illinois supporters and our sister organizations around the region, BP still intends to go forward with their refinery project, even if it means more pollution for Lake Michigan. They have not committed to a plan that would ensure that no additional pollution would be dumped in the lake.
By planning to dump three more tons of toxic chemicals into Lake Michigan every day from their oil refinery in Indiana, it's clear that BP doesn't understand what it means to be a good environmental citizen. However, they are the world's fourth largest corporation, so I know they understand dollars and cents.
So today I'd like to ask you to join me in sending BP a message in their own language: Tell BP CEO Tony Hayward that you won't be buying their gas today, or any day until they agree to avoid any increase in pollution into Lake Michigan.
To take the No BP Gas Pledge today, click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser:
I know a lot of you have already stopped buying BP gas, but this is an opportunity to give BP direct notice of your decision and join with thousands of like-minded people around the Great Lakes and beyond. So please take the pledge today, and then forward this email along to your friends and family to help spread the word:
Lastly, thanks to supporters all across the Great Lakes and beyond, we've raised the money we need to run our ad in the Chicago Tribune opposing BP's toxic dumping plan. But not just a single ad -- we'll be able to run it for four days! Be on the lookout for upcoming email alerts where we'll give you all the details of when it will run.
Rebecca D. Stanfield
Environment Illinois State Director