Fall report 2011
Well..that's a wrap folks. I think I'll end the 2011 fishing season with this as my last cast. A 23" 7lb (+-) smallmouth bass. Largest in Illinois I believe for 2011. A huge thanks to fishing partner Ken Schumacher of smalliefishing.com for the spot and the photo :)
It was a great year which included some great trips and some awesome fish. Some of the memorable ones were this 23" smallie, a 44" muskie on ONE cast while on a great trip to Pipestone Lake in NW Ontario. A great trip to Taltson Bay on Great Slave Lake in Northwest territories, Canada where 6 of us caught over 1,060 pike with 124 that went 41-48". And many more big bass from local waters both while hiking and while kayaking.
Be sure to keep up with the facebook page. We've got a ton on there. Just look up customfish graphics.
Thanks all!
Labels: biggest illinois bass, smallmouth bass