Did some mother's day work up in Barrington yesterday and got the afternoon off for some fishing with my friend Tim Martin. Weather: 47 ° rain, Wind N 15mph, 54° Sun, Wind E 5mph, 58° Pouring Rain, Wind N 25mph, 63° Cloudy, No wind, 54° Wind.. you get the picture. A front is stalled over us somewhere and it's a messy day. The male LM were just starting to bed, the females are nowhere to be seen. The Crappies and Big Bluegills are spawning and won't hit.
I couldn't find the pattern at first, of course Tim had no problem.

I tried some cranks while Tim stuck with his Powerbait Augertails. "Want one of my baits?" Tim offered. No thanks. This was getting serious..

Also tried some topwater while Tim stuck with his Powerbait Augertails and begun to ring the school bell. "Want one of my baits?" Tim offered again. NO I know I'm doing!

Finally succumbing to the barrage of Bass Tim was catching. I reached in my box for some Senkos and started picking up some fish...

Tim announced a pop quiz...

"Sure you don't want one of my baits?" he repeated. OH SHUT THE HELL UP TIM... as I lost a pig that tried to jump and could only flop it's head out of the water, snapping my 8lb mono, (note to self, change that old line you moron)
I took a short time out to curse, change spools to fireline and curse a little more. Tim shifted into overdrive and put 9 more bass in the boat..
"OK, OK, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. GIVE ME ONE OF THOSE DANG BAITS YOU @#$#$%." I humbley whispered at the top of my lungs.
Tim tossed me the bag as he battled a monster bass that snapped his line at boatside. "HA, cheaters proof!" I cackled, then cast out and..

The weather was miserable but as long as you were slowly creeping soft plastics along the bottom (and that soft plastic was a Powerbait Pumkinseed Augertail worm) the bass really didn't mind. Even as I used the exact same rig as Tim he progressed from a schooling to an @$$ kicking. I tried to make a come back and felt a little better...

But his numbers were unreachable...

We stopped counting at after 70 bass. Tim caught 75%, was bit off twice by toothy critters and broke off 3 times. We did see several nice bass bedding but left them alone to do their thing. There were plenty more available.
At the end of day we said goodbye and I thanked him for teaching me a little humility and told him to never call me again. I hate that guy!